Members present: Mark Karlberg, William Elovirta, Jeanne Pryor
Others Present: Joseph Kellogg
10:05 AM Meeting opened.
Briefly discussed the gasoline issue at the highway garage.
Jeanne advised that there will be an Affordable Senior Housing Public Forum on March 16, 2013 at the Town Hall and she has been posting the posters all over town.
Briefly discussed the break in at the Transfer Station. The Select Board does not feel anyone should be paying for anything except bulky waste items that have a fee. Briefly discussed having the stores in town start selling bag stickers again so there is no need for the transfer station attendant to charge people for bags that do not have stickers on them.
The Select Board reviewed the budget items that have been updated since the last working meeting and discussed these items.
The Select Board will have a tentative working meeting on Thursday, March 14, 2013 and would like the fire chief to attend this meeting to discuss his budget.
Joe advised that the Schedule A form was submitted and that Amy Lane came in to assist the town accountant in completing this.
Briefly discussed holding an emergency management meeting with all of the emergency response departments.
Briefly discussed building maintenance and replacing the main doors at town hall.
Bill motioned to sign the Letter of Intent to Participate in the Southern Berkshire Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
Joe advised that the appointment of Laurel Burgwardt was on the agenda for February 20, 2013 but that meeting was cancelled and because the conservation commission has a problem getting a quorum for its next meeting, he thought they should do this now. Bill motioned to appoint Laurel Burgwardt to the Conservation Commission term to expire June 30, 2014, Jeanne seconded. All in favor. Jeanne asked if the Select Board could write the town clerk a letter asking for a current list of appointments for all boards and committees. Joe advised that because the town clerk is an elected official, he does not have to do this if he chooses not to.
Mark read the letters to Senator Downing and Representative Pignatelli regarding Chapter 90 funding. Bill motioned to approve the letters to Senator Downing and Representative Pignatelli supporting Chapter 90 funding, Mark seconded. All in favor.
Joe advised that they had spoken previously about how much it costs the town when it accepts property donations and he feels that if a person does not want their property anymore it would cost the town a lot less if it takes the property for non-payment of taxes then if it accepts these properties and has to complete title searches on all of them. He also advised that a person who purchased three parcels at an auction has donated them back to the town and he recommends that the Select Board require that he pay all taxes that are current before they sign the deeds back to the town. Jeanne motioned that we accept from Christopher Sarafin the 3 properties noted on the Quitclaim Deed from Kopelman & Paige with the condition that the taxes be paid up to the date of recording of the deed, Bill seconded.
All in favor.
Any other business: Joe advised that the highway department will have a snow and ice deficit before the end of this winter and the Select Board and Finance Committee need to vote to accept MGL Chapter 44, Sec. 31D so that the highway department can overrun the account. He advised that the Finance Committee has already voted to accept this law so the Select Board will need to vote to accept it. Bill motioned to accept MGL Chapter 44, Sec. 31D and that the highway department be allowed to overrun the winter roads budget, Jeanne seconded. All in favor.
Bill advised that he has gotten some complaints about an inside light being left on at the highway garage. He does not think this is costing the town that much but people are complaining about it. Joe will check with the highway department about this.
Jeanne asked Joe if he had spoken with the attorney about the property in North Becket that the Nature Conservancy and the Department of Fish and Wildlife are interested in purchasing from the town. He has not spoken to the attorney about this property but he has heard from people that the town should not do this. Bill advised that he would not be in favor of this unless there is access to the property. Jeanne advised that the Department of Fish and Wildlife was supposed to get back to us about whether they were able to get property that would give them access to this property. Joe advised that the Board needs to make a decision of whether they want to pursue this or not. Joe feels they should put this on the next regular meeting and make a decision on what they want to do.
Joe asked the Select Board that since Jeanne did such an all inclusive report for the Annual Town Report, could it be a report of the Select Board and Town Administrator. The Select Board is fine with doing a joint report.
12:02 PM Jeanne motioned to adjourn, Bill seconded. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted, _______________________________
Nina Weiler, Secretary Mark L. Karlberg, Chairman
Documents discussed at meeting: